Order Squamata
Health: 6
Damage: 1
Speed: Fast
Behavior: Passive
Drop: x1 Reptile Leather
Breeding: Yes (see below)
Taming: No
Lizards are predators; they will attack most of small Beetles and other insects.
To breed small lizards feed the proper Breed Item to the Female while the Male on adjacent block; they female will lay a egg.
Lizard eggs take about 2-4 minutes to hatch.
Like birds, Lizard eggs can be collected by right-cliking it, so the player can put it to hatch on his chosen location.

European Green (Male)
Lacerta viridis
Biome: Forest, Birch Forest, Forets Hills, Birch Forest Hills
Frequency: Uncommon
Breeding Item: Beetroot Seed

European Green (Female)

Peninsular Rock Agama (Male)
Psammophilus dorsalis
Biome: Desert Hills, Mountains
Frequency: Uncommon
Breeding Item: Spider Eye

Peninsular Rock Agama (Female)

Spider-Man Agama (Male)
Agama mwanzae
Biome: Badlands, Badlands Plateau
Frequency: Rare
Breeding Item: Sweet Berries
Spider-Man Lizards can be captured, transported and displayed with a Small Reptile Terrarium.