Family Trochilidae
Natural Armor: 0
Health: 2
Damage: 0
Speed: Very Fast
Behavior: Passive
Drop: x1 Feather
Breeding: No
Taming: No
Hummingbirds are attracted to Hummingbird Feeders (see below)
Eupetomena macroura
Biome: Forest, Forest Hills, Beach
Frequency: Common
Size: L
Calypte anna
Biome: Taiga, Forest, Mountains
Frequency: Uncommon
Size: M
Selasphorus sasin
Biome: Beach
Frequency: Uncommon
Size: P
Black Jacobin
Florisuga fusca
Biome: Beach, Birch Forest
Frequency: Common
Size: M
Hummingbird Feeder
Crafted with 4 Dandelions, 1 Flower Pot, 1 Glass block and 1 Red Terracota block.
Place it Below a block (hanging, leave a couple spaces below for the hummingbirds to surround it).
The feeder will attract the near hummingbirds, witch will peack on the feeder.
You need to fill it with a Hummingbird Food bottle.
Hummingbird Food Bottle
Crafted with Water Bottle, Sugar and a Red Dye.
Right-click one with a bootletime to fill a empty feeder.
After sometime (depending on the number of hummingbirds peacking at it) the feeder will empty, and stop attracting hummingbirds.
Right-click a empty feeder with bare hands to collect it.